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Broken Social Scene

Broken Social Scene is not just your run-of-the-mill artist — it's an entire repertory of Toronto-based indie talents that merge to form a captivating musical family. Since their formation in the late 90s, this melodious collective has fluctuated between 6 and 19 members on a whim — it’s a bit like tracking the attendance at an open-invitation barbecue where some of the neighborhood's sharpest musicians drop in. However, it's not the unpredictability in their lineup that has drew the world's attention. Instead, it's their genre-bending contributions to the avant-pop and indie-rock scene, churning out hits filled with jangly folk, noisy experimental rock, and everything in between.

When it comes to their music videos, there is a certain whimsicality that reflects the unpredictable nature of the band. Take ‘7/4 Shoreline’ for instance — it blends a surreal mix of charming puppets and urban Toronto in a way that visually docks in your memory. ‘Fire Eye’d Boy’ pushes the boundaries even further, featuring the band auditioning in front of a hilariously ruthless panel of children, with a variety of ludicrous tests such as keeping their cool while being pelted with dodgeballs. Then there’s 'Ibi Dreams of Pavement', a nostalgic throwback that mirrors their distinctive sound — it artfully combines the mundane with the surreal, featuring the band performing atop a city building, blissfully unfazed by the expanding sinkhole erupting beneath them. One can sense a certain cinematic quality amidst the mayhem - it’s like Jacques Tati decided to make a cameo in a Godzilla film but insisted onbringing his own bizarre script. No wonder Broken Social Scene is influential not only in the indie music arena, but also in the realm of music videos.

Disclaimer: Text might contain bits of A.I. imagination. Report mistakes
